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2016-01-13 01:06
导读:简评:本节课是一节写作课,采用 “任务型”的教学方式,让学生明确写作的任务和方法,而且老师应尽量组织与学生日常生活和学习有关的材料让学生

简评:本节课是一节写作课,采用 “任务型”的教学方式,让学生明确写作的任务和方法,而且老师应尽量组织与学生日常生活和学习有关的材料让学生进行写作,任务的难度设计应该依据学生的实际水平和兴趣;此外,前边提到的英文报纸是目前国内水平较高、质量较好的英文学习报纸,内容丰富、贴近时代和学生生活、语言地道,是中学生们“喜闻乐读”的报纸,所以选择将读报这一活动引入课堂并在读完之后写一篇作文是应用性很强的写作任务,是一项读、写相互促进的活动;分组的目的是基于外语教学的交际原则设计的,而且有利于培养学生的合作意识。
② Delivering instructions. Distribute the newspapers to students and ask them to apply proper reading skills such as skimming, scanning, getting the main idea by referring to the titles, pictures and illustrations, guessing the meanings of the new words according to the context or the formation of the words. Ask them to collect the information that they are interested in and make some notes to get ready for the writing.
简评:信息加工理论认为,Writing almost always involves reading; the two skills, the receptive and the productive, are interdependent. Generally speaking, the student who reads with ease and reads widely finds writing easier than the students who don’t read much or read with difficulty. It doesn’t necessarily follow t

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