2016-07-22 01:12
导读:Have you seen my________? I'm_________the world that I come from. Cause I have been________around, In the lost and found my heart, No one__________me, They view it as such strange_________. 'cause I k
Have you seen my________?
I'm_________the world that I come from.
Cause I have been________around,
In the lost and found my heart,
No one__________me,
They view it as such strange_________.
'cause I keep kidding around,
Like a child, but___________me.
张云梅:多媒体环境下的大学英语听力教学第二,听的过程中,抓住关键词,理解歌曲大意。考察学生在听到大量消息后的综合判断力。这种练习要求教师先设计好问题,呈现给学生,学生要根据记下的单词或短语,做出判断。此练习类似四级听力考试中的Section B部分,学生听完一遍后,对所提问题进行回答。以Childhood为例,设计问题如下:
(1)The song is mainly about_________.
A. parents
B. marriage
C life
D. study
Childhood of the singer is_______.
A. interesting
B. exciting
C. depressing
D. surprising
Which one of the following sentences is not mentioned in the song?
A. No one understands me.
B. Have you seen my Childhood?
C. but pardon me
D. sailing around the world.
第三, 听的过程中,适当停顿,让学生重复有一定难度的句子。听力练习中,教师要培养学生知难而上的精神,不要一遇到生词或难句就放弃,否则听力将原地踏步,不会前进。老师要找出一些有挑战性的歌词,学生根据所听的歌词,所看的画面,歌手的表情,姿势,甚至嘴形来预测听到的歌词。以Childhood 为例,可选择几句有难度的句子。
中国大学排名 (1) They view it as such strange eccentr