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2017-01-27 01:02
导读:4.2. The Approaches to Build up Formal Background Knowledge for EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension For building up one’s formal background knowledge, there are many basic strategies. The followin

4.2. The Approaches to Build up Formal Background Knowledge for EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
For building up one’s formal background knowledge, there are many basic strategies. The following passages will focus on discussing on how to build up one’s formal background knowledge during reading comprehension for EFL learners about dealing with new words.
New words are strong barriers for EFL learners during reading comprehension. In the course of reading, many EFL learners may come across some new words. At this moment, some of them choose to turn to dictionary, to look up those words in the dictionary for the meaning of the new words. Maybe they think that is an efficient way of learning new words, but too much attention to vocabulary will do harm to the learners’ reading habits, because every time they break off their reading to consult a dictionary, they not only slow down their reading speed, but also even more seriously they interrupt their own thought process. At the same time this will have an effect on the grasp of the general meaning of the passage. In fact, they often meet strange words when they read in their mother language, but they do not stop reading; usually continue reading successfully without using a dictionary. But what should EFL learners do when they encounter unfamiliar words in a passage? Several techniques can be used to deal with new words during the reading comprehension for EFL learners. The following chapters will discuss these techniques in detail respectively.
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