2015-11-21 01:02
导读:[6] S.Woolgar,Critique and Criticism:Two Readings of Ethnomethodology,Social Studies of Science,vol.11,1981,p.504-14。 [7] M.Callon.,The Sociology of an Actor-Network:The Case of The
[6] S.Woolgar,Critique and Criticism:Two Readings of Ethnomethodology,Social Studies of Science,vol.11,1981,p.504-14。
[7] M.Callon.,The Sociology of an Actor-Network:The Case of The Electric Vehicle,In Mechel Callon,John Law and Arie Rip(eds),Mapping The Dynamics of Science and Technology,London:The Macmilian Press LTD,1986,p.23。
[①] 此案例参见《实验室生活》(Laboratory Life)第三章“一个事实的构造:TRF(H)案例”。
[②] 此案例参见拉图尔“给我一个实验室,我将举起世界”(Give Me a Laboratory and I Will Raise The World)一文和《行动中的科学》(Science in action)一书中有关巴斯德的段落。
[③] 此案例参见卡龙“行动者-网络的社会学:电车案例”(The Sociology of an Actor-Network: The Case of The Electric Vehicle)一文。