2015-12-30 01:14
问不可问之问,说不可说之说,把哲学推向其本身永远无法企及的境地,这才是哲学家的悖论,才是哲学家乃至整个人类永远不可超越的游戏。所以,海德格尔又说:“对无的追问把作为追问者的我们自身也置入了追问之中。这种追问本身就是形而上学的。”[⑨]显然,哲学家的这种乐此不彼的活动本身就是一种形而上学。我们永远都无法想象一个已经植根于形而上学土壤之中的树苗如何能够超越培育出形而上学的那片土壤。于是,形而上学本身就一定是一个巨大的悖论,这个活动本身就是不可能的。但是,尽管不可能,人类却将这一活动延续了很久很久,并且也逐步形成了哲学学科自身相对稳定的话语系统和问题领域。人们并不因为哲学难以定义或哲学家之间众说纷纭,就完全否定哲学的存在或取消哲学存在的合法性。无庸置疑,形而上学一定是人类所不可避免的情感,是人性的一种自然倾向。但是,人类形而上追求的目标并不就是一定要获得一种可以作为世界最普遍本质的“逻各斯”、“天下式”,还应该有更为丰富的内容,譬如爱、思、祈祷、忏悔、烦、畏惧、筹划、领会、决心之类,而这恰恰又是西方现代哲学跌入泥潭而在后现代背景下遭到责难的根本原因。[①] Martin Heidegger, Was ist Metaphysik? Wegmarken, Seite 122. Gesamtausgabe, Band 9, Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt Am Main.[②] Martin Heidegger, Einführung in die Metaphysik, Seite 34, Max Niemeyer Verlag Tübingen, 1987.[③] Immanuel Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Seite 82. Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg, 1998.[④] Karl Jaspers:《智慧之路》,第7、8页,中国国际广播出版社,1988年,北京。[⑤] Martin Heidegger, Sein und Zeit, Seite 5, Max Niemeyer Verlag Tübingen, 1993.[⑥] Martin Heidegger, Sein und Zeit, Seite 310, Max Niemeyer Verlag Tübingen, 1993.[⑦] 余治平:《哲学的锁钥——源于本体论的形上之思》,第21页,四川人民出版社,2002年,成都。[⑧] Martin Heidegger, Was ist Metaphysik? Wegmarken, Frankfurt Am Main, Seite 115. [⑨] Martin Heidegger, Was ist Metaphysik? Wegmarken, Frankfurt Am Main, Seite 121. On Relationships between Dao, Things and Images——Thinking on the metaphysics of philosophyAbstract: Qi means things themselves, while images imply the perception or understanding of things. Dao is the abstraction from images which exist between Dao and Qi. The existence and significant of images are usually neglected. The mind, which is independent from things, instantiates our basic subjective world and provides the conditions for our society, hence, it is very essential to our lives. Qi has its underspecificity, it can’t be recognized by our reason, and is out of the boundary of our mind. Philosophy is the most abstractive Daoism, it is not relative to Things themselves, and keeps a long distance with things themselves. Science is merely relative to images, namely, it put perceptions into our mind. We can’t ask ourselves “what is philosophy” as we can’t talk about things themselves. However, we can’t be beyond this question forever at all. This is the metaphysical nature of our human beings.Key Words: Dao; Qi; Image; Metaphysics