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1997年的一月号PMLA以文学教学为主题全面探讨文学教学与文化教学的取向。Biddy Martin在该专号的介绍文章”Teaching Literature, Changing Cultures,“中,首先忧心过去二十五年来文化研究入侵美国大学的文学教育机制,是否威胁文学教学的纯粹性与主体性。Martin在以下的历史回顾中,指出文化研究与文化运作,帮助我们”expand our practices in new directions” (页7)。当为教育学者,
... we must provide students with the historical and methodological knowledge necessary for reflecting on the conditions under which writing becomes literature and for using literary texts to explore how aesthetic objects relate to other discursive objects or to broader social formations. (12).
Shanker在论及文学与文化研究的关系时,说:”Cultural studies is a reproach to literary criticism’s restricted specialization” (260). 他又进一步指出:”Nevertheless, cultural studies has provided me with the opportunity to purse interests in film, ethnography, popular music, and advertisements, as well as literature, that would have been impossible in traditional literary criticism” (261). 身为一文学老师,我们应该
had a strong sense of the historical and political implications of literature but debated openly with one another over the relations among historical context, political investment, and aesthetic values.
延续文化研究的方向与内涵,文学研究在网络世界里,利用理论的建构,开始进入网络文化的研究领域里。近年来学术界研究网络文化中,共有三股力量,传播学者、社会学者及文学研究者,这些学者各以其专长及训练,进入虚拟的社群中寻找自己的主体性。而文学研究者,在网络文化中,发现网络之跨国界、跨性别、跨地域、跨阶级、跨现实等特性,着重在文化议题上的主题研究,最典型的主题与方式,就是以网络世界为文学文本,讨论其族群、主体、性别、阶级、情欲或性文化、或是(反)全球化等议题。Lisa Nakamura于2002年所出版的Cybertypes: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on the Internet即是很好的一个例子。