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2013-12-11 01:16
导读:医学论文毕业论文,阴阳、气、血、精、津液生理病机新解样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:   关键词:阴阳、气、血、精、津液 生理病机

  关键词:阴阳、气、血、精、津液 生理病机 新解

  New Explanation of Physiological Sickness-mechanism of Yin and Yang,Vital Substance,Blood,Body Fluid
  [Abstract] The theory of Yin-Yang has constructed the basic frame of theoretical system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Yin-Yang generalizes Physiological function ,i.e.substance belongs to Yin,the explicit representation of function belongs to Yang. As the Physiological mechanism of Qi,it is the metabolic course of body and the bridge of Yin-Yang conversion. Vital substance, blood, body fluid are obtained by ingestion and transform, then economy finish various action and bring various state through activity of Qi i.e . metabolic activity. Activity of Qi stops i.e. metabolic activity stops, the life stops. To treat disease one should find out its cause, differentiate Qi and adjust Qi, that is agreat method of treatment. At this point of modern medicine theory, the bridge of matter and function conversion is metabolism. To adjust and enhance metabolism is the process of differentiating Qi and replenishing Qi of TCM, that is a great method of treatment of modern medicine.
  [Key Word] Yin-Yang Qi Xue Vital Substance Body Fluid; Phlysiological Sickness-mechanism ;New Explanation

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