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[关键词] 紫外分光光度法;注射用头孢匹胺钠;甲硝唑注射液;配伍;稳定性
Stability study of cefpiramide combined metronidazole injection
[Abstract] Objective To explore the compatible stability of cefpiramide sodium with metronidazole injection.Methods At the room temperature(20 ℃) prepared solution of cefpiramide sodium in metronidazole injection was made by referring to the clinical prescription in standing-time 0,0.5,1,2,4 h.A dual ultraviolet spectropotometry was design to study on the change of content after compatibility of metrinidazole and cefpiramide sodium and the change of the compatible liquid apparent an its pH were observed on absorption peak at 273 nm,320 nm and 359.5 nm.Results There were no evident changes in apparent,pH,content and absorption curves within 4 h.Conclusion Cefiramide sodium is compatible with metronidazole injection in this experiment.
[Key words] ultraviolet spectropotometry;cefpiramide sodium;metronidazole injection;compatible;stability
1 材料与仪器
2 方法与结果
2.1 配伍稳定性实验 将1.0 g头孢匹胺钠置于100 ml量瓶中,用甲硝唑注射液溶解并稀释至刻度,摇匀待测溶液。
2.1.1 外观检查 待测溶液在20 ℃密闭放置0、0.5、1、2、4 h后,按规定[2]分别进行外观检查。结果显示,待测溶液无沉淀、气体产生,且溶液澄清度及颜色未发生变化。
2.1.2 pH值测定 待测溶液在20 ℃密闭放置0、0.5、1、2、4 h后,按规定[2]分别进行pH值测定,结果见表1。表1 注射用头孢匹胺钠与甲硝唑注射液配伍后4 h内的含量、pH值及溶液外观变化
2.1.3 紫外吸收光谱的测定 待测溶液在20 ℃密闭放置0、0.5、1、2、4 h后,取适量,用蒸馏水稀释至一定浓度,并以蒸馏水为空白对照,用紫外分光光度计在波长200~400 nm内扫描。扫描结果表明,其紫外吸收光谱未发生变化。
2.2 头孢匹胺钠与甲硝唑配伍后含量测定 用双波长紫外分光光度法同时测定配伍溶液中头孢匹胺钠与甲硝唑的含量。
2.2.1 测定波长的确定 取注射用头孢匹胺钠与甲硝唑对照品适量,用蒸馏水分别配成10 μg/ml浓度的溶液,并以蒸馏水为空白对照,用紫外分光光度计在波长200~400 nm内扫描。扫描结果表明,头孢匹胺钠和甲硝唑分别在波长273 nm 和320 nm处有最大吸收峰;在波长320 nm处,头孢匹胺钠没有吸收,甲硝唑在波长273 nm的等吸收波长为359.5 nm。因此,确定273 nm、320 nm、359.5 nm 为测定波长。