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2013-08-30 01:02
导读:自动化论文毕业论文,注塑模的设计及关键零件的工艺分析怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 注塑


拥有强大3维造型和模具设计的功能的Pro/ENGINEER可以快速的规划产品的分模面,完成模具体积块的分割,若再搭配Mold layout或EMX,将可以更有效地完成模座的设计,所以在当今的社会的主流中广泛应用。

 Design for Injection mould and the technical analysis of pivotal accessory

ABSTRACT: As the plastic industry rapidly developing, the strength and precision of plastic are improving day by day. As well, injection mould has been used more and more. Because a plastic product designed reasonably can instead of several traditional metal accessories in industrial manufacturing, and can be modeled very complex shape, because of its special peculiarity, the number of accessories in manufacturing has been decreased greatly. So do the consumption of metal material and the time of manufacture and assembly. So, more and more industrial products have been made by plastic recently.
Pro/EGINEER, which have extraordinary functionality of 3D modeling and model design, can rapidly layout the plane of mold separating, accomplish the division of mold volumes. If work with Mold layout or EMX, it will be more effective to accomplish the design of mold base. Now, Pro/EGINEER has been used more widely.

Keywords: Injection mould;Pro/EGINEER;CAD/CAM;Core mould

包括:毕业设计、任务书 (科教作文网 zw.nseac.com整理)

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