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2013-09-11 01:34
导读:自动化论文毕业论文,基于UG的电话机塑料模具设计与仿真分析样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 基于


摘要:本先在UG中建立了模型;然后验证模具设计的合理性与否;指导和修正了浇注系统和冷却系统的设计;引入CAE的分析方法,研究Moldflow 与UG 之间的接口问题,实现数据共享,利用Moldflow分析了最佳浇口位置、注塑流动分析和冷却分析, 把分析结果与理论分析相比较,共同指导和修正模具设计。在实践注塑模具设计中遵循流变学设计、力学设计、传热学设计1UG中实现模具设计1Moldflow 模流分析1UG中优化模具, 是1条比较适合注塑模具设计方法。本所运用的研究方法和得出的结论对促进注塑模具设计方法能起到1定的启发和推动作用。

关键词 :注塑模具、UG, CAD/CAE、Moldflow
According to UG telephone machine Mold design and imitate true analysis

Abstract:The model of scale injection mold is established by the software of UG. Then validate mold, modified moulding system and cooling system. The interface between Moldlow and UG is programmed for CAE analysis. Moldflow is employed to analyze inject gate locating, smelter liquid flowing and cooling. By comparation the analytical results and theoretical results, the optimizing design mold is obtained.In practice, comply with rheology design, mechanical design, calorific design-UG mold design1Moldflow analysis- optimizing mold in UG to find a better method which fit the design of large-scale injection mold.The methods and conclusion discussed in the paper give some suggestion and promotion in the design of scale mold.

Key words: injection mold, UG, CAD/CAE, Moldflow

    上一篇:基于UG的电话机机座上盖塑料模具设计与仿真分析 下一篇:没有了