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2013-09-19 01:17
导读:自动化论文毕业论文,便携式车辆动态称重装置的开发与研究论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 便携

摘 要:本文通过对车辆动态称重的工作原理、理论基础及特点的分析,设计出1套动态称重系统并简述其实现方法,包括硬件和软件的设计。其功能是动态测量行驶中汽车的前后轴重,并计算其总重,判断是否超载,实现全自动、不停车监测。
系统软件共分PC机与单片机两大块,其中:单片机部分软件采用MCS-51汇编语言编写,PC部分采用Microsoft公司的 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0应用程序开发工具设计。该系统既可以成为1个独立的检测单元来使用,也可以通过主控机的数据库系统与整过检测站乃至全国各汽车检测站实现资源共享。

Develop and Research on Convenient Dynamic
Vehicle—Weighing—System on Highway
Abstract: This article gives a systematical study about the theory and methods of design automobile’s brake system. Design a set of dynamic state of weighs the system to combine simple description in fact now method, include the design of the hardware and software. Its function is a dynamic state to measure to drive the medium automobile in front and back the stalk is heavy, and compute it total and heavy, judge whether overload, realization fully automatic non—stop metering .
The system adopts distributive management, PC is used as the master-control, and data collection system adopts AT89C51 as the CPU of the SCM (Single-Chip Microcomputer). Using RS-232 to implement the communication between master-control and data collection system. In the system, the part of SCM is compiled with the language of MCS-51, and the software for master-control is compiled with the application tool, Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 of Microsoft Company.

(科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)

The system can be used as a separated test unit, also shared by the whole test station through the database in master-control, even by the entire country.

Key Words : Vehicle Wighing; Dynamically;Visual Basic 6.0;Database;    Design of software


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