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2017-09-12 05:25
导读:工商管理论文毕业论文,工商管理毕业论文范文样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘要:近

关键词:零售业 连锁超市 比较 措施

Abstract:In these years, catena supermarket developed very quickly in our country,but we can't deny that there are a few problems in the development of retail trade catena supermarket in our country, and there is very big margin with the development of the foreign retail trade catena supermarket still. For this, we need to carry on a comparison with the development of foreign retail trade catena supermarket and find problem of retail trade catena supermarket in our country from it also and find the margin with retail trade catena supermarket of the abroad. Then on this foundation we put forward development suggestion. At first the text carried on saying all of the basic theories of the catena supermarket and this is theories foundation of this text to carry on comparison. Immediately after, the article analyzes the Chinese and Foreign retail trade catena supermarket development and present condition. On this foundation, the article carried on a comparison about the relevant circumstance of Chinese and Foreign retail trade catena supermarket. Finally, the article analyzed problem of the Chinese retail trade catena supermarket development and draw lessons from the foreign catena supermarket development experience also and put forward further the measure to promote development of retail trade catena supermarket in our country.

Key words: comparative measures of retail supermarket chains