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2017-09-29 05:42


摘  要: 改革开放以来,我国金融业发展迅速,特别是银行业在改革春风的沐浴下迅速蓬勃壮大。随着国民经济的迅速发展、金融体制改革的深入,国际金融行业的竞争也愈演愈烈。在这种竞争趋势下,银行上市逐渐成为国际证券市场普遍存在的现象,而日前中国商业银行的上市,标志着中国证券市场向金融国际化、1体化迈进了1大步。本文首先简单介绍了中国工商银行及其上市的基本情况,紧接着介绍了上市给工行带来的积极效益,随后又详细的分析了上市后工商银行在外部和内部存在的各种问题,最后针对上市后工商银行存在的问题和未来的发展方向提出了自己的见解和解决对策。本文旨在通过对银行上市情况的有关学习,结合本专业的基本知识和课程,对目前存在的财会和财务制度问题和具体真实案例进行初步研究和探讨,并提出尝试性的解决方案,以巩固课堂所学知识,加深对专业课程的了解,为今后的继续学习和分析解决问题打下良好的基础。


Analysis on the Problems and the Countermeasures of  the listing  of  ICBC
Abstract: Since the reform and opening up,Chinas financial industry has made rapid development,especially in the banking sector reform,which is bathing under the rapid and successful growth.Along with the rapid development of the national economy,in-depth reform of the financial system in the WTO and the acceleration of the pace,International competition in the financial services industry is becoming fiercer and fiercer.In this competitive trend,the commercialized banks'coming into the international market becomes a widespread phenomenon,moreover,Chinese commercial banks before the listing, marking China's stock market to international financial and integration have taken a great step forward. First, this article introduces the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and its basic listing situation. Then it describes the positive benefits of the ICBC’s coming into market, after that, it make a detailed analysis to the external and internal problems which the listing action of ICBC brings about. Finally, I give my views and solutions out on the problems and the future development direction that ICBC is facing with after the listing,. (转载自http://zw.NSEaC.com科教作文网)
This paper seeks approval for the studying to the listing of banks, the combination of the basic professional knowledge and the courses of the existing accounting and financial system and specific real cases for a preliminary study and exploration, then I make my own solution.The main purpose is to consolidate my classroom-learning, to enhance my understanding of the professional courses,then to lay a good foundation for my further study,for my analyzing and solving problems.

Keywords: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China; Joint-stock reform; Listing; Corporate governance; 

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