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2017-09-29 06:56



The Comparison Research of  the Business Combination Accounting Method

Abstract::The business combination , is refers to the transaction or theitem that two or several independent corporation combine into a report main body. It divides into two combination form:under the indentical control and the non-identical control . Related to the theory of consolidatedaccounting statements and the practice method discussion, it is always a focal point question which Chinese and foreign accountant focuses attention on . Along with our country’s more and more mature market-economy , The business combination tide unceasingly surges upward . Subsequently, mergers’accounting processes becomes accountants’hot spot. At present,there are two main methods on the international business combination service, the purchasing method and right combining method. Followed are some simple discussions on these two methods, and the detailed classified elaboration about  purchasing method and right combining method  which grows on the business combination process; also,there are the historical origin of the two , the  accountant distinguishes trying theory . The passage emphatically  introduced the purchasing method and right combining method concept, made  an contrast to two superiority in certain significance, carried  on the analysis unifies the business combination question which our country actually has. Meanwhile, it introduced the initial method general utilization slightly.

Key words : purchasing method ;right combining method ; initial method (转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )

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