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Abstract :Oliver Twist by Dickens is characterized by a few (2)

2013-06-25 01:07
导读:To escape the ill -treatment of the undertakers , the foundling Oliver runs away to London alone. On the outskirts of the city , Oliver , who is tired and hungry , happens to meet the pickpocket Jack

To escape the ill -treatment of the undertakers , the foundling Oliver runs away to London alone. On the outskirts of the city , Oliver , who is tired and hungry , happens to meet the pickpocket Jack Dawkins who offers him a place to stay in London. Thus Oliver is thrown together with the band of thieves run by the sinister Fagin. This is exactly what we call “out of the frying -pan into the fire”. It is a coincidence that not only arouses the emotions but also engages the sympath of his readers for the parentless , penniless hero and creates concerns for his future. At the Brownlow home Oliver is treated kindly and, after a period of recuperation , is sent on an errand by Mr. Brownlow to pay a local merchant five pounds and to return some books. On carrying out this charge Oliver happens to be captured by Nancy and Bill Sikes and returned to Fagin’s den of thieves. This small coincidence makes the story no less dramatic. What’s more , Dickens was better at vivid portraits of trifling matters of everyday life , in which lies his artistic charm. Thus he kept us fully attracted and left us thinking of coincidences as true rather than“uneven or contrary to the real life. ”

Coincidences embody Dickens’radical ideas Dickens wrote Oliver Twist at the age of 25 , when he was bursting with youthful vigor , imbued with vitality and optimism , which became the main drift and purpose of his literary production to the letter. While ruthlessly from untold sufferings on condition that he is powerful and bold enough to face the reality and fight against the evil forces. His ideas guiding literary creation of this kind encouraged those who were then living in an abyss of misery , and who , consequently , from his novel , saw faintly a streak of light in the dark. Meanwhile he warned his readers of the dangers of degeneration. So the coincidences that Oliver happens to meet his late father’s good friend Mr. Brownlow and his mother’s elder sister Mrs. Maylie have the implications of Charles Dickens’radical ideas -being optimistic , intense pursuit of the happiness , and his firm belief that“tomorrow will be better. ” exposing the dark corners of life and fiercely attacking the Creating coincidences is one of Dickens’unique cynical reality , he showed us the good trend in the devel2 artistic styles. The Russian literary lion Gorky said , realopment of the society rather than depicted it as pitch ism and romanticism often seemed to combine in great dark. So from his novel , readers have a strong sense that artists.

Dickens is such a great one who is characterized Creating coincidences is one of Dickens’artistic styles -combination of romanticism and realism life is not utterly hopeless. Dickens chose to convey this message through coincidences in the book. Oliver is born of a dying mother in a parish workhouse and then sent to an infant farm , run by Mrs. Mann , until he is nine years old , at which time he is then returned to the workhouse again , where he is starved and abused. Where there is oppression , there is rebelling. Young and physically weak as he is , Oliver is mentally powerful and brave enough to advance to the master and“ask for more gruel”on behalf of the group. In the undertaker’s , he fights for his mother’s dignity with Noah Claypole , another of the undertaker’s boy, who offends his late mother , though he pays great cost for it -a more severely physical punishment. Later he runs away to London alone to seek for new life. Such personalities -bravely facing sufferings of life , meeting challenges brought about by misery fate , and rebelling against the evil forces -are the essential conditions for him to happen to meet Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Maylie , which serve as Dickens’general purpose of arranging coincidences. He made it clear that no matter how tragic your lot is , no matter how hard your life becomes , the unfortunate will certainly get help from good -hearted men to free himself by his perfect combination of realism with romanticism in writing , forming his unique artistic style -mixture of the realistic and the wildly improbable. Thus , it is not hard to understand that Dickens’story is full of legends and melodramas. As we all know , realistic writers aim at painting pictures in real life , by which they manage to reveal the truth of life while romantic writers pay attention to imagination and fascination , and they often describe peculiar things in an exaggerated way. In Oliver Twist , theses two opposite ways of writing are unprecedentedly well-mixed. 内容来自www.nseac.com
Dickens had a good memory and was endowed with great power of astonishing imagination. He had acute eyes , sharp ears and nose , and an excellent memory that enabled him to bear in mind every subtle detail of things that he had ever seen , heard , tasted or touched in his life , by using this he generated an imagination in which even Shakespeare could not match him. Oliver Twist is indisputably alive with such amazing gifts of Dickens. Every scene depicted in it is identical to that in real life whether viewed from the perspective of sense of sight , hearing , touch or taste and smell. Moreover , his vivid account of characters created great power to astonish his readers. In generating the story , he used his imagination with marvelous dexterity to create countless coincidences within the plot. In a sense , his artistic style -creating coincidences was also characterized by exaggeration , that is , an exaggerated mixture of romanticism and realism.

上一篇:[摘 要]本文从文学文体学的角度对《老人与海》 下一篇:摘要:商务 英语 最大的特点在于其实用性,能够满