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Abstract :Oliver Twist by Dickens is characterized by a few (3)

2013-06-25 01:07
导读:Therefore , the situations he described in the novel were not the facts that happened really in a certain place at a certain time , but the ones that should or were more likely to happen in real life.

Therefore , the situations he described in the novel were not the facts that happened really in a certain place at a certain time , but the ones that should or were more likely to happen in real life. Moreover , they were processed , or rather , exaggerated by the artist Dickens. As a result , these situations in the book became romantically realistic. As Dickens himself said , he used romantic realism “largely to express his own moral concepts rather than pursue perfect truth. ”While openly revealing and harshly criticizing hideous features in life , he praised ideal human nature and interpersonal relationships. He thought the masses had virtues and pure and innocent emotions that had not been affected by capitalistic monetary value, forming a sharp contrast with selfishness , garded as a symbol of good. Pure and innocent children can be compared to angels in Heaven. According to the Bible , having child -like innocence means keeping good and love. Although Dickens was not a Christian , his humanitarian ideas were harmonious with the concept of children advocated by the Bible. Thus , children became symbols of good and love in his mind , which was also the key point of his humanitarianism. As a result , he created happy encounters by using“the simplest creative method -”coincidences“, in which a penniless , hopeless child is offered help from benefactors who free Oliver from sufferings and dangers many times. Towards the end of the novel , as Oliver is being chased by his half brother , villainous Monks , who intends to kill Oliver , thereby negating the unknowing Oliver’s claim to his rightful inheritance which would then go to Monks , Oliver happens to Brownlow again despite a long period of losing touch with each other. This good -hearted gentleman conquers Monks and helps Oliver get his share of inencounter Mr. tyranny and cruelty of aristocrats and the bourgeoisie. As a novelist , his finest quality lied in his ability to look at problems objectively -everything has its good and bad sides. According to him , human nature was of no class. Every class has its good people and bad ones. Monks is a representative of the unprincipled in the underworld while Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Maylie the benevolent with noble mind of the bourgeoisie. Such plot of the story shows he had lofty ideals of life , which inspire people to fight bravely with the evil forces rather than to surrender to it. Through coincidences he hinged his hopes on the beneficent bourgeoisie that they should help the underworld that were born with virtues and noble mind. (科教范文网 Lw.nsEAc.com编辑整理)
Good is rewarded with good, evil with evil Description of rare incidents reflects Dickens’consistent creative attitudes and aesthetic psychology. Viewed from the perspective of the main theme of the novel , coincidences indicate that Dickens , an optimistic and romantic humanitarian , held the concept that good is rewarded with good , and evil with evil. Yet from his psychology of creation , it was his concept of children that urged him to plot the story in such a way. In the Bible , a child is reheritance -a large sum of money , hoping he will start a new life. From this coincidence , we seem to see Dickens himself is like a lonely and helpless child who is eagerly expecting happy encounter with good -hearted men by whom he will be offered help. Creating happy encounters is determined by his aesthetic psychology , which corresponds to his great expectations :“Good survives through every adverse circumstances , and triumph at last”② , and the light will supplant the dark in the end.

Notes :

①Anatole France (1844 -1924) , French writer, literary critic.

②Charles Dickens , preface to Oliver Twist , the third edition , P1 , Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1992.

Reference :

[1 ]Catherine Peters , Charles Dickens. Xi'an: Xi'an World Publishing Corporation,1998.
[2]T.A.Jackson.Translated by Fan De -yi, Charles Dickens.Shanghai:Shanghai Translation Press,1993.
[3]LuoJin -guo,ACriticalBiographyofCharles modelsandthefairystorypatterns”,Journal of Hangzhou Dickens. Shanghai : Shanghai Translation Press,1989. Teachers college (Social Science) No.1,1995,P73.

[5]Charles Dickens,Oliver Twist.Beijing:Foreign Language and Research Press,1992.审稿:徐德松
[6]Jiang Cheng -yong,“Dickens’psychological

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