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[Abstract] Proverbs are the cream of a language. They reflec(6)

2013-07-29 01:02
导读:From above proverbs we can see that many Chinese proverbs become English proverbs and Chinese people also accept a lot of English proverbs. English and Chinese proverbs are permeating and interfusing

From above proverbs we can see that many Chinese proverbs become English proverbs and Chinese people also accept a lot of English proverbs. English and Chinese proverbs are permeating and interfusing each other constantly.

5. Conclusion
Proverbs are the cream of a language. They are closely related to a nation’s culture and enjoy great cultural values. They reflect the relation between culture and language. Each nation has its own geography, history, religion and social attitude. Because of the cultural generalities and differences, English and Chinese proverbs have their similarities and differences. They are permeating and interfusing each other. So a comparative study of them can help us to learn a language well and understand the true meaning of other’s word in cross-culture communication.



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