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2016-03-14 01:00
导读:英语论文论文,解析《老人与海》的主人公桑提亚哥(1)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例: 摘 要:美国现代著名小说家海明威曾经说过:“人生本来就
摘 要:
Hemingway, a famous novelist of America, once said" Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. " Santiago is endowed with this optimistic attitude towards life-courage ,confidence ,dignity and never giving up. This essay also deals with the problem of" grace under pressure" and its revelation to people.
Key words: never giving up; confidence; grace under pressure
I.The three layers of pressure
The success of The old man and the sea lies most in its perfect display-- the grace under pressure.which is a very important quality of Santiago. The quality is composed of two dements:pressure and grace. Pressure is the premise, only under pressure can one‘s graceful demeanor display.
At the beginning of the novel,Santiago had gone eighty··four days without catching a fish and had be·· come the laughingstock of his small village.This is an affront to a masterful fisherman,and it forms the first layer of pressure;As the story begins,a young boy, Manolin,stayed with the old man,but after the fortieth luckless day,the boy,s father told his son to go in another boat, leaving the skiff of which the sail was patched with four sacks and furled like the flag of permanent defeat. W hen the boy left the old man and fished with another,they caught three good fishes in the first week. The boy s good luck formed obvious contrast with the old man g ill luck.If this happened to another boy, it was coincidental, but it happened to the boy who had got nothing with the old man for forty days and exactly when he left the old man for one week.This made other fishermen believed that the old man was really unlucky enough! This is the second layer of pressure;W hen the old man hooked the biggest marlin never seen in the Gulf Stream,he was alone,without the benefit of modem technology.He endured a long and grueling struggle with the marlin and felt lonely and helpless.This is the third layer of pressure.


II.Santiago grace under the three layers of pressure
1.Grace under the first layer of pressure
As the novel begins, we find Santiago definitely and finally failed,however,he kept self-composed and had confidence in his dignity.So even having got nothing in the first 84 days,he continued to go out to fish.
Santiago% commitment to sailing out further than any fisherman had before testified his confidence to the depth.It also showed his confidence to change his bad luck,because he clearly knew what he was born for. Yes,he was born for the conquering of the sea. Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated. W e all know that eyes are the windows of one 7s sou1.It means the old man's heart or soul is inconvincible.In order to protect his dignity,he finally summarized the famous motto“Man is not made for defeat.A man can be destroyed but not defeated”.
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