2016-05-29 01:07
导读:英语论文论文,西方翻译研究的新发展(1)怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:[中文摘要] 在西方翻译研究领域,近年来可以说有两大派别占据了主导地位:一
[中文摘要] 在西方翻译研究领域,近年来可以说有两大派别占据了主导地位:一派以广义上的语言学为基础,致力于建构和发展经验性质的翻译科学;另一派则从历史的角度通过描写的方式来研究翻译问题。两者尽管大相径庭,但有一个突出的共同点,即具有较强的经验性,与纯理论研究形成了对照。本文旨在通过对三本代表性著作的考察,来管中窥豹,看当今西方两个主要译学研究派别的某些特点,同时可以对西方的纯理论研究略有了解。关键词:翻译研究、新发展、代表作
Abstract: In the field of translation studies, despite the existence ofmultiple approaches, two trends of development seem to have been dominating
in recent years: one based on linguistics in the wide sense; the othermarked by a historical-descriptive orientation. While the two trends of
development are contrastive with each other, they share one thing in common,namely, both being essentially empirical, forming a contrast to translation
studies with a somewhat ‘purely’ theoretical orientation. The present paperoffers a discussion of some recent developments in the field by way of
reviewing three representative books published in the 1990’s. Through thepresent review, we may get a glimpse not only of the characteristics of
the two major trends of development, but also of certain features of the theoretical versus the empirical orientation. Key words: translation studies, developments, representative books 20世纪80年代初以来,西方翻译研究进展迅速。如果说西方译学研究在60和70年代的突飞猛进主要得益于语言学的快速发展的话,在近二十年里,文化研究、文学研究、
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1993, Neubert