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2016-12-23 01:19
导读:英语论文论文,TheroleofEnterpriseResourcePlanningsystemsinorganizations怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇文章是很好的参考:AbstractConfronting the arrival of the information age, standing on furious tides of a high


Confronting the arrival of the information age, standing on furious tides of a high speed development, we seize the information technology as the most important arms to gain us a leading position in the information war. Every enterprise is the economical organization which pursues for interests and benefits normally. Especially, once one organization owns a big structure, its information management would become necessary for the need of development in the information era. In fact, the outcome of one enterprise information management has already been regarded as the key factor to adjust whether or not the undertaking could grow faster and more efficiently than ever. Regarded as the advanced methodology which is complied with a modern management philosophy in the comparative environment, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is considered as the most powerful weapon which can help an enterprise to accomplish the revolution of its development.

Another of those buzzwords that everyone talks of but no one seems to know much about. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is not just about planning your resources more about how the various divisions in your Enterprise function. An ERP solution aims to provide single software which will integrate all the divisions in your organization planning, manufacturing, sales, marketing, finance, HR and yet fulfill each division information and planning needs.
(Appssolutions, 2005)

The research mainly answers questions on what ERP is, why it can be important in the sociality nowadays, what kind of position it takes in the enterprise; moreover, which role ERP plays?

Key words: MRPII、ERP、Case Study

What is ERP?

There are various explanations from different people on ERP. Regardless the traditional angle of the functional management, it would reach a common agreement on the perspective of management characters of the Knowledge Economy Era. ERP is the initials of Enterprise Resource Planning. Confronting with the supply chain, It is the tool of management which can utilize information technologies in order to apply for features of the modern information economy era—Clients, Competition and Change; moreover, it can integrate all resources within and outside enterprises. ERP has remarkable features of this information age and re-defines the business processes of the undertaking. In the economic times it uses the new concept of Process to take the place of the bureaucracy management model in the old economic era, in

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