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2017-03-27 01:03
导读:为了避免单调、乏味,给使用者提供一个赏心悦目的环境,道路两侧要进行美化,设置栅栏,种植树木,路中心要设置隔离带。 例1虽然是个简单句,但句

  例2:In a simple form,the cables provided above the deck and connected to the towers would permit elimination of intermediate piers facilitating a larger width for purposes of navigation.
  As the deep trench is being excavated by means of a special grab operated by an electric powered winch,the mud is poured in.In this way,the excavation is stabilized and held open until the diaphragm walling has been placed in position in the trench.The steel reinforcement isthen prefabricated into cages,whichareLowered by trance intoposition through the bentonite mud. Finally,the concrete is placed around the reinforced by tremie and the “slurry”is displaced as the concrete rises to fill the trench.

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