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2017-06-17 01:11
导读:英语论文论文,TONY TALK应该怎么写,有什么格式要求,科教论文网提供的这篇文章是一个很好的范例:Tony: What would you say are some of the most memorable or exciting projects?Robert: Probably one
Tony: What would you say are some of the most memorable or exciting projects?
Robert: Probably one of the most memorable and exciting was the work that we did for NASA, the first lunar mobility vehicle.
Tony: You guys went to the moon then.
Robert: We did, yes, so to speak. We had our name on it anyway. We had been given the responsibility of designing, creating and designing a vehicle, which would have mobility on the moon. We hired a very brilliant astrophysicist from Cornell University _ Dr. Thomas Gold. Gold had the theory that the moon was covered with dust, very deep dust and that a normal vehicle would not be mobile. It would slip and slide around so we designed a vehicle with paddles on the wheels, blades on the wheels, but it was successful, and that was one of the most interesting things we did because it got us heavily involved in the whole lunar program with NASA.
Tony: You?ˉve also worked in China, right?
Robert: Yes, I?ˉve worked in China mainly in logistics area transportation and logistics.
Tony: What are some of the more interesting projects you?ˉve worked on in China?
Robert: Well, I think probably certainly one of them is a project that we?ˉve been working on with the Chinese central government to try to develop a super carrier to compete with the Western, particularly the American carriers like FedEx, UPS with Maersk Shipping Company. We?ˉre trying to put together a consortium of other Chinese companies, ocean carriers, EMS and the pos

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