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2014-02-05 01:16
导读:药学论文毕业论文,芦荟对小鼠恶性腹水模型的影响论文怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 作者: 陈丽宏,路凡,沈新,陈葳,李旭,黄剑峰,杨春荣 【关键
作者: 陈丽宏,路凡,沈新,陈葳,李旭,黄剑峰,杨春荣
【关键词】 恶性腹水
Effect of Aloe on rat models of malignant ascites
  【Abstract】 AIM: To investigate the effect of Aloe, a kind of traditional Chinese drug, on the rat models of malignant ascites. METHODS: The malignant ascites model of Balb/c rat was induced by S180 cells and then was treated with the different doses of whole leaf, gel and peel of Aloe for 2 weeks. The therapeutic effect was evaluated by comparing the change of rat body mass, protein content in ascite and changes of S180 cell cycle in the rats. RESULTS: The Aloe delayed the rapid increase of the body mass in rat models(P
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