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2014-09-04 01:51
导读:药学论文毕业论文,骨碱性磷酸酶在新生儿佝偻病早期诊断的应用研样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:【关键词】 骨碱性磷酸酶  【摘要】 目的 通过骨碱性磷酸酶的检测了解
【关键词】 骨碱性磷酸酶
  【摘要】 目的 通过骨碱性磷酸酶的检测了解本地新生儿佝偻病的发病率与母亲妊娠的相关因素,提出干预措施。 方法 用全血干化学免疫浓缩法对307例新生儿进行骨碱性磷酸酶(BALP)活性测定,采用多元线性及逐步回归法分析新生儿BALP活性水平与母亲妊娠因素的相关性。 结果 受检307例,BALP≤200u/L214例,200~250u/L41例,250~300u/L52例,异常检出率为30.29%。 结论 经临床诊断佝偻病证实,BALP检测法灵敏度、特异度、准确度高,明显优于其他方法和指标,可筛出半数以上的早期无症状佝偻病,具有良好的早期诊断价值,提示临床先天性佝偻病发病率高,预防应从围产期开始,及时检测BALP水平,以便早期诊断、早期治疗。

  【关键词】 骨碱性磷酸酶 佝偻病 新生儿 相关因素

  Bone alkaline phoshpatase in early diagnosis of rachitic in neonate.
【Abstract】 Objective To find out the correlative factor of the incidence of rachitic in our area and the preg-nancy and due on the preservative by determiny the bone alkaline phosphates(BALP).Methods The activity BALP of307blessed events was measured with whole blood dry chemistry immunoconcentration.The relativity of the activity of BALP and the gravid factor with multianalysis and stepwise regressive method analysis.Results There were214examples that BALP was less than and equal to200u/L,41examples that between200and250u/L.And52examples that between250and300u/L.The rate of abnormity was30.29%.Conclusion The sensitive and accuracy and spe-cialties of the detection in BALP confirmed good by clinic diagnosis of rachitic,superior to other methods and index.More than half of early asymptomatic rachitic can be filtrated.This indicated that the incidence of congenital rachitic was high.So that was worth diagnosing early.And the preservative should be started.In prenatal period,the BALP should be detected in time in order to diagnose early and treat early.

(科教范文网 fw.nseac.com编辑发布)

  【Key words】 bone alkaline phoshpatase rachitis neonate relative factor

  1 资料与方法

  1.1 一般资料 2002年4月~2003年3月对在我院产科出生的6天以内307例新生儿进行BALP测定。产妇来自佛山市各个区(禅城、南海、高明和顺德),年龄23~30岁,职业多为干部、工人、教师、个体户和近效农民。测查对象采取随机抽样的方法。307例新生儿中男164例,女143例,胎龄37周19例,37~40周245例,40周43例;剖宫产68例,其余为顺产;体重多数在2500~4000g,低体重儿23例,前囟2.5cm4例,颅缝
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