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2015-03-02 01:06
导读:行政管理论文毕业论文,邓小平现代化思想对发展中国家的借鉴意义样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘要:邓小平

  Abstract: Deng Xiaoping modernization thought is not only embarks actually from our country, also has promulgated the developing country many common questions which faces in the modernization process. This article bases from the developing country on the international market, the use advantage promotion development; Unifies own actual, formulation socialist modernization strategic tentative plan; Proceeded in an orderly way causes the modernization to have the scientific three aspects to elaborate Deng Xiaoping modernization thought profited from the significance to the developing country.
  key word: Deng Xiaoping modernization thought Developing country Profits from

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