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2013-11-21 01:02
导读:电子商务论文毕业论文,人事资源管理系统在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:摘要本系统基于JSP和SQL Server2000环境进行开发,使用Tomcat5.0服务器进行发布,实
摘要本系统基于JSP和SQL Server2000环境进行开发,使用Tomcat5.0服务器进行发布,实现了前台管理、后台管理两大模块。前台管理包括资料管理、提交个人信息、投送评职资料、查看评职情况、查看面试通知等功能。后台管理包括网站系统设计、人事信息管理、岗位信息管理、职称评定信息、面试通知管理、注册会员管理等功能。全文主要从人事资源管理的发展历史,前景等方面描述了一些基本的信息。在论文的部分中间设计中,首先进行了系统需求的分析,介绍了本系统所用的到的语言和数据库,并且对数据库设计E-R图进行了描述,对系统的整体设计也进行了详细的描述,并对系统测试也进行了描述。【关键字】:人事管理系统;数据库设计;系统模块设计与实现;独立性和安全性
This system is based on JSP and SQL Server2000 environment for the development, use Tomcat5.0 server release, and the prospects of management, management background two modules. Front desk management, including data management, to submit personal information on the delivery of information to check on the situation, read an interview, and other functions. Back office sites, including system design, personnel information management, information management positions, titles assessment information, interview management, a registered member management. By the major human resources management from the history of the development, prospects and other aspects described some basic information. Papers in the middle part of the design, first of all a system requirements analysis, introduced the system used to the language and database, the database design and ER plans were described, the overall design of the system also carried out a detailed description, System test and also were described.Key
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