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2013-12-10 01:06
Hotel management system based on the ASP
Abstract: About the connotation of Hotel, the most primitive meaning of it is providing stays and corresponding service for the traveller. The modern Hotel is different from the past . the computer has many sdvantages compared to the manual administration ,for example: rapidly speed ,convenient, the high reliability, the big reserves, the good secrecy, the long life, the low cost and so on. This system is based on the ASP technology, use of B/S (browser/server) pattern. The customer can submit the information for booking a room on the internet , then they will be carried on by the internal system,Also a room can be ordered through the Hotel great hall service . The operation of this system is simple, the operator just input some simple Chinese characters, numbers, then achieves the goal.This system mainly includes two modles: Onstage system modle and Backstage system modle. The article use software engineering method , mainly includes six parts : 1. the part of Outlines, brifly introduce the platform of development and the development language ; 2. The part of feasibility analysis and the demand analysis; 3. The system plan book, mainly analyzes the system donor project; 4. The outline design part, mainly makes analysis to the system structure , and write data dictionaryand system flow chart. 5. The detailed design part, introduces the design process of the system and the main code as well as various modules program flow diagram; 6. The system test and the user handbook, writes the result of system test,then based on user question,writes user handbook.


Key words: ASP; B/S; Hotel guest room management system management system; order room; High efficiency.
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