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2014-01-08 01:05
本文的主要内容是详细介绍此培训系统,介绍了在JAVA环境下利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具开发本系统的详细过程,从软件工程的角度进行了科学而严谨的阐述。首先,介绍系统的开发背景;随后进行全面的系统分析,并介绍具体的系统设计原则,重点介绍系统的开发过程,并阐述系统结构、介绍系统应实现的主要功能,最后介绍一下系统实施的有关情况。关键词:数据库;员工培训;管理系统;Dreamweaver。Abstract:Training Department in Gold Mountain International Trade Film has been managing staff, courses and scores and so on by hand all the time, which has restricted heavily training efficiency. The thesis presents that training management is transferred from traditional written record to online management. The system shows enrollment automation, scores record automation and courses management automation and decreases working intension and working pressure of training staff.
This thesis mainly introduces training system, explaining the detailed developed processes under the use of tools opening up the objects in the platform of JAVA from the perspective of soft engineering. It firstly introduces and even analyzes the development background of system. Secondly it introduces the detailed system design principles and even the development processes of system. Next the thesis presents the structures of system and the main functions that system should achieve. Finally the thesis introduces system execution.Key words:DataBase; staff training; management system; Dreamweaver .
基于JSP 平台、采用JAVA技术、利用软件开发工具MyEclipse;利用SQL Server2000建立数据库,以及Dreamweaver进行页面设计,而页面链接使用tomcat。
    上一篇:基于BS架构的网上购物系统 下一篇:没有了