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2014-01-26 01:34
摘要:随着数字技术和网络技术的不断发展,越来越多的人们逐渐习惯于通过网络和数字技术来查找信息、管理信息。本系统通过对现实生活中的图书管理流程进行模拟,通过JSP(Java Server Page)技术来进行代码编写。来实现图书管理过程中的书籍信息、会员信息、借出书的数量等方面的管理。通过运用计算机的高速计算能力和网络的远程控制访问能力大大的缩减了人工处理所带来的效率问题和数据处理问题。
关键词:JSP;数字技术;网络技术Abstract :As digital technology and network technology continues to develop, more and more people gradually become accustomed through the Internet and digital technology to find information, management information. The system of real life through the books in the management process simulation, through the JSP (Java Server Page) technologies for the preparation of the code. Library management process to achieve the books, membership information, the number of lending books and other aspects of management. Through the use of computer networks and high-speed computing power of remote control access capability significantly reduce the manual handling problems brought about by the efficiency and data-processing problems. (转载自http://zw.NSEaC.com科教作文网)
Traditional book information for the management of chaotic and complex, is common to borrow the general situation in the record library card, the number of books and records of the contents in the document, the library management staff at the time it is also clear, a time Long, such as to carry out further enquiries, many have to read the information, find, for a time-consuming, laborious, if for a long time ago to the books information on the changes more difficult. In order to facilitate the books, readers, to make use of the conditions for efficient management, we think it is necessary to establish a library management system, standardize the management of the book, systematic, procedural and avoid arbitrariness in the library management, improve information Deal with the speed and accuracy, to improve library management efficiency. Staff can find a certain reader, a book of the loan, can borrow books on the current situation to some statistics, statistics are given in order to fully grasp the flow of books.
Key words:JSP;digital technology;network technology
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