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银行电子信访系统Jsp SQL

2014-02-07 01:10
导读:电子商务论文毕业论文,银行电子信访系统Jsp SQL怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考:摘要


这篇论文主要论述了基于C/S模式的银行电子信访系统。首先,本文介绍了系统的开发环境及环境配置,接着进行系统分析、总体设计,比较全面地介绍了本系统的相关知识。在总体设计中,分析了设计的原程序,针对大部分代码给出了比较详细的文字解释说明。系统实现了在前台登陆信访网站发送信访信件的功能,这些信件分为检举控告、情况反映、意见建议三种,后台收到信件后,在信息处理模块中进行信访信件的分类处理。后台的系统管理包括用户密码管理,机构管理,角色管理,职务管理四个方面。另外,在后台的信息统计中,包含了按照信件的类型等条件进行统计的功能。本系统采用JSP作为开发工具,SQL SERVER 2000作为后台数据库, TOMCAT做服务器,实现了对银行电子信访的信息化管理。关键词:JSP;C/S;TOMCAT;电子信访系统


The main statement of this paper is mode client/server and electric reflection system of Bank.First of all, this paper introduces exploiure of condition and scheme environment about Bank, Next, about the analysis of system, main design, introduces the correlative knowledge of this system roundly. The end of this part, analyze the original programme in collecivity design, offers particular exponent for most of code.System realizes the function which logging on the website of letters and visits from the masses in front stage, and sending to the letters which are divided into three kinds: prosecution, situation reflected, advice or suggestion. After receiving the letter, the backstage supporter deals with of classification of the letters and visits from the masses letter among the module of information processing. The backstage manage system includes users password charged, the organization charged, the role charged and post charged. In addition, information in the backstage counting includes the function of according to type of letter terms.This system adopts JSP as a tool, SQL SERVER2000 as database, TOMCAT as server, lets the information access and administration of electric reflection system for the Bank become true. Keywords:Java Servlet Page;Client/Server;TOMCAT; Electric reflection system