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2015-06-19 01:16
导读:电子商务论文毕业论文,电子商务时代企业文化的再造论文模板,格式要求,科教论文网免费提供指导材料: 【中文摘要】文化是指

    【摘要】 enterprise culture is the sum of common consciousness, value sense, career morality, behavior norm and criterion is formed through social practice under some social economic conditions and followed by all members. It is a particular culture management model, with value as its core, formed during the development of an enterprise or an organization. The enterprise culture is the result of the combination of social culture and organization management practice, and it plays an important role in the management practice.But with the development of electronic commerce ,it brings out a large revolution of economic、social、behavior norm and value sense.This article discussed how to rebuild the Chinese enterprise culture in the time of electronic commerce.

    【中文关键词】 电子商务;企业文化;企业文化再造

    【英文关键词】electronic commerce;enterprise culture;the rebuilding of the enterprise culture


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