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2017-12-20 01:14
导读:法律论文毕业论文,重大环境污染事故罪的原因、特点与预防律毕样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本: 摘

摘  要


关键词: 环境污染 事故 预防


The crime of major accidents due to environmental pollution is a new type of crime existing in the areas of the theory of criminal law, enactment of criminal law and judicature. In recent years, as environmental problems becoming increasely obvious, more and more people pay attention to the problem related to the criminal protection of the environment. Based on criminology and science of criminal law, making a research to disclose the imprints, laws, causes and preventive measures, deepening the study of the crime due to environmental distruction, improving the enactment of criminal law, strengthening the law of criminal execution and realizing the original purpose of enactment of criminal law, definitely do good to controlling the crime of this kind.
This thesis tries to do a preliminary research to analyze the causes, imprints and prevention of the major accidents due to environmental pollution.

Key words:Environmental pollution   accident   prevention

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