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2017-12-25 06:50
导读:法律论文毕业论文,丧偶未分割遗产再婚的被继承人的财产继承问题怎么写,格式要求,写法技巧,科教论文网展示的这篇论文是很好的参考: 摘

摘   要




   In modern Chinese family, with China’s reform and opening up being stepped up, the different groups of economic conditions, values and interests demand a clear distinction. Among this, the property inherited problem of the inheritor who lose his spouse but not divide their heritage and remarry, is terribly outstanding. It dispays in the respects of the complexity of inheriting relationship, the nondeterminacy of the property rights and the complex of way to divide the heritage etc. To solve this problem,we should start with raising the citizens right consciousness,make the inheritance registration-control system as the supplyment of our country’s inheriting system, practically completing the work of unmarrid property notarization and perfecting the heritage shift mechanism in our country. Solving this problem has the vital significance in the theory and the judicial practice.

Key words : second marriage; property inheritance; cause; measure

    上一篇:浅析政府采购合同制度的单方解除权律毕业论 下一篇:没有了