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摘要: 本设计通过JDK和Tomcat来建立JSP数据库运行环境,使用JavaBean实现与数据库的连接与读写,利用SQL2000作为底层数据支持平台,形成1个Browser/Web/DataBase的3层体结构,系统运用了工作流模式来实现电信部门固定电话业务的安装,通过工作流模式详细,准确的体现了每个工作模块的工作。Jsp作为1个很好的动态网站开发语言得到了越来越广泛的应用,在各类Jsp应用程序中,Jsp + Java Bean的组合成为了1种事实上最常见的Jsp程序的标准,在系统我们使用JavaBean实现对数据库具体操作的封装,使JSP在页面中调用JavaBean实现用户操作,通过这种方式,我们可以很好得隐藏对数据操作实现过程中的细节,在JSP中我们只要关心数据的显示,页面实现等,其它的我们就可以交给JavaBean去处理。在系统中使用Tomcat做为服务器,并利用数据库技术实现各部门之间的协作。
Technological realization of telecommunication business work flow
The account department and distributing numbers model
Abstract: The paper draw on the JDK and TomCAT of sun company establish JSP exert setting, use SQL for the terrace of basement data backup, come into being a tree layer structure of Browser/Web/DataBase, achieve a proprietor Flux Module of telecommunication tenement phone, this module carefully showing every department’s work and make use of database technology achieve the department cooperation relation of every department. As a dynamic website, JSP is widely used for developing languages. In kinds of JSP applying program, the combination of Jsp + Java Bean serves as the standards. In systems, we use JavaBean as the operating covers for database, making JSP use JavaBean for operating. In this way, we can hide the details in operating programs, what we should care is only the display of dates, leaving other things to JavaBean to handle. In systems, we use Tomcat as server and achieve the department’s cooperation with database technology.
Keywords: JSP;Tomcat;exert setting;send out setting;SQL Database;work Flux module