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2016-03-20 01:08

目  录
1 绪 论 1
1.1 图像分割的定义 1
1.2 图像分割的研究意义 2
1.3 图像分割方法概述 2
1.3.1 基于边缘检测的分割方法 2
1.3.2 基于熵的分割 3
1.3.3 彩色图像分割的研究 3
1.3.4 基于阈值的图像分割算法研究及应用 4
1.4 研究背景和内容 4
1.5 小结 4
1.6 组织结构 5
2 图像分割方法概述 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 灰度图像分割方法概述 6
2.2.1 基于边缘检测的图像分割 6
2.2.2 基于熵的图像分割 8
2.3 彩色图像分割方法概述 11
2.3.1 彩色空间的表示 11
2.3.2 彩色图像分割的方法 14
2.4 小结 15
3 基于阈值分割算法的门牌号码分割 17
3.1 阈值分割算法概述 17
3.1.1 双峰法 18
3.1.2 迭代法 18
3.1.3 最大类间方差法(大津法OTSU法) 19
3.2 门牌号码的分割算法分析 21
3.2.1 获得图像的直方图 22
3.2.2 迭代求阈值 24
3.2.3 图像2值化 25
4 门牌号码分割的实现及部分源代码 27
4.1 运行环境 27
4.1.1 MFC概述 27
4.1.2 利用MFC进行开发的通用方法介绍 29
4.2 具体设计 29
4.2.1 构成应用程序dip1的对象 29
4.2.2 构成应用程序dip1的文件 30
4.2.3 dip1主界面 32
4.3 图像阈值分割的主要代码 32
5 门牌号码分割结果及总结 38
5.1 分割结果 38
5.2 实验总结 39
6 结论与展望 41
参考文献 42
致 谢 43

摘 要:图像技术在定义上是各种与图像有关技术的总称。图像技术种类很多,跨度很大,但可以将它们归在1个整体框架—图像工程之下。图像工程是1个对整个图像领域进行研究应用的新科学,它的内容非常丰富,根据抽象程度和研究方法等的不同可分为3个有特点的层次:图像处理、图像分析和图像理解。 大学排名
(1) 对当前主流的灰度图像分割算法和彩色图像分割方法进行概述;
(2) 采用Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0工具,在Windows XP 环境下对1具体图像进行仿真研究,并得出分割结果,对整个实验进行总结分析;
(3) 对全文进行了总结。

Research and Application of Image Segmentation Algorithm

Abstract: Image technique is the summary of all kinds of the skills in relation to image. There are many types in image technique, and the range of them is very wide, but they can be included in a holistic frame—image project. Image project is a new science which works on the whole image field, its content is very plenty, three characteristic layers is partitioned: image process, image analysis, image understanding, which is based on different abstract degrees, research methods and so on..
Image segmentation is a crucial step transiting from image process to image analysis, and holds important position in image project. On the one hand, image segmentation is the foundation of target expression, and has vital effect on feature survey. On the other hand, original image can be translated into more abstract and more compact format by image segmentation and target expression, feature extraction, parameter survey, and so on which are based on segmentation, this makes more high image analysis and image understanding possible . Image segmentation is one of the most difficult problems in computer vision. Taking the gray and color images as examples and research methods of image segmentation along with their main applications are surveyed in details in this paper. The existing image segmentation algorithms are analyzed and studied deeply. The primary tasks of the paper are as follows: (科教作文网 zw.nseac.com整理)
(1) The current and mainstream gray-level image segmentation algorithms and color image segmentation have summarized.
(2) Simulation researches are performed on the proposed segmentation algorithms of a concrete image with the tool of  Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, which is run in Windows XP. After getting the result, summarizing and analyzing the whole experimentation.
(3) The summarization of this paper is given

Key words: image segmentation; binary conversion; thresholding; entropy ; spatial information

1 绪 论
1.1 图像分割的定义

    上一篇:图像内容监控综合实验系统的设计与实现VC++ 下一篇:没有了