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目 录
前 言 1
1 C++语言基础 3
1.1 程序结构 3
1.2 类和数据封装 4
1.3 构造函数和析构函数 4
1.4 继承和派生 4
1.5 多态性和虚函数 5
1.6 友元,静态函数 5
1.7 本章小结 6
2 知识的产生式表示法 7
2.1 产生式的基本形式 7
2.2 产生式系统 8
2.3 产生式系统的分类 13
2.4 产生式表示法的特点 17
2.5 本章小结 18
3 基于经典逻辑的检测方法 19
3.1 逻辑表达式等价性检测 19
3.2 冗余检测 22
3.2.1 知识冗余 22
3.2.2 冗余检测方法 23
3.3 矛盾检测 24
3.3.1 矛盾规则及矛盾规则链 24
3.3.2 矛盾检测方法 25
3.4 从属规则检测 25
3.4.1 从属 25
3.4.2 从属规则检测方法 26
3.5 环路检测 26
3.5.1 环路 26
3.5.2 环路检测方法 26
3.6 本章小结 26
4 1致性检测程序的总体设计与实现 28
4.1 开发平台 28
4.2 1致性检测的总体分析 28
4.3 数据结构的设计 28
4.4 1致性检测程序 29
4.4.1 冗余检测过程 29
4.4.2 矛盾检测过程 30
4.4.3 从属检测过程 30
4.5 算法实现 31
4.6 本章小结 33
5 1致性检测程序的测试 34
5.1 测试过程 34
5.1.1 获取知识 34
5.1.2 测试实例1 35
5.1.3 测试实例2 36
5.1.4 测试实例3 38
5.1.5 测试实例4 38
5.2 测试结果 41
5.3 关键性技术 41
5.3.1 检测方法的总体实现 41
5.3.2 详细设计细节 42
5.3.3 进1步工作 45
5.4 本章小结 47
总 结 48
参考文献 49
致 谢 50
摘 要:在知识库中知识可能会产生不1致,在应用这些知识进行推理时,会严重影响推理过程中知识的推理效率,甚至会产生错误。本文主要对知识库中知识的1致性问题进行研究,并实现1个能检测知识库中知识的1致性的程序。
Studing and Implementation
of the Consistency Examination of Knowledge
Abstract: In knowledge base the knowledge may produce the inconformity, in appliedly these knowledgeses proceed logically, would seriously affect the reason logically process the knowledge efficiency, even will produce the fata mistakes.This article is main to proceed the research to the consistency problem of knowledge base inside knowledge, and realizes a program which can examine the consistency of knowledge base with knowledge.
What this article describe is regarding creation rules as a consistency of knowledge examination method.First, introduced the creation type of the knowledge methods.Then, discussed the consistency examination method immediately, including the redundancy, antinomy of the knowledge, from belong to and the wreath road.Finally, realized a verification consistency examination with the VC++6.0 development tool.This article was detailed to discuss the current in common methods.Use a kind of development examination in examine methods:According to logical examination in classic methods, discussing the consistency examination method to relate the insight of the developer at the same time and examine the process of cognition of the method to the consistency to emerges out one by one,exactly because these just make according to produce the consistency of the rules that the knowledge base examine can complete and make its redundancy in the knowledge base, self-contradict with from belong to the rule examines can realize.With these functionses realize,the beneficial to the management that us proceed knowledge base,making the development of the artificial intelligence even have the advantage in the knowledge base. 内容来自www.nseac.com
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Knowledge base;Creation type rule;Consistency examination
前 言
(1) 领域专家提供的知识中存在某些不1致、不完整、甚至错误的知识。由于专家系统是以专家认识为基础的,因而专家知识中的任何不1致、不完整必然影响到知识库的1致性与完整性。
(2) 知识工程师未能准确,全面地理解领域专家的意图,使得所形成的知识条款隐含着种种错误,影响到知识的1致性及完整性。
(3) 采用的知识表示模式不适当,不能把领域知识准确地表示出来。
(4) 对知识进行增、删、改时没有充分考虑到可能产生的影响,以至在进行了这些操作之后,使得知识库出现了不完备的情况。特别是在知识库建成之后,由于知识间存在着千丝万缕的复杂联系,因而对它的任何改动都可能产生意想不到的后果。