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目 录
中英文题目、摘要、关键词 1
正文 2
前言 2
1 系统开发环境介绍 2
1.1 系统运行平台和开发环境 2
1.2 DELPHI简介 2
1.3 DELPHI 7的新特点 4
1.4 PASCAL基本特征 6
1.5 SQL SERVER 2000基本特征 7
2 系统需求分析 8
2.1 系统概述 8
2.2 系统目标 9
2.3 数据表的设计 10
3 系统总体设计 14
3. 1 功能划分与设计 14
4 详细设计 17
4. 1系统平台搭建 17
4. 2 系统的详细设计 18
参考文献 37
致谢辞 38
摘要:本文主要论述了学生档案管理系统开发的全过程,介绍了以Delphi 7作为前台应用程序开发工具,结合SQL SERVER 2000建立后台数据库设计与实现信息管理系统(MIS)的方案,并以此为基础重点阐述了面向对象程序设计的方法与理论。
关键词:Delphi编程;数据库 ;信息管理系统。 (科教论文网 lw.NsEac.com编辑整理)
Student’s File Administrative System Of Pu Jiang Campus
ABSTRACT:This text expound the fact student file the whole course that administrative system develops mainly, have recommended regarding Delphi7.0 as the application program developing instrument of front desk, combine SQL SERVER 2000 and set up the design of storehouse of backstage supporters data and scheme of realizing the information management system (MIS ), based on this and explain especially that faces method and theory that the target designs program.
Development and application of this students file administrative system, can improve the management level of the school. The office efficiency of the school can be improved a lot, has offered a good tool for information management of the school, the tedious work pattern of abbreviation, thus streamline file administration of the school and scientific. Good the management information system has saved a large number of manpower and material resources, has avoided a large number of repeated work. Students file administrative system is a complicated information system, include information inputting, information inquiry, information revising and such functions as the report form is printed, can meet basic demand of students management of the school. Mainly include the information management in respects such as students basic situation, students registration, students achievement, students course, etc., easy to operate, while suiting middle and primary schools and other, small-scale use of school, it is an information management system operated independently.
KEY WORDS:Delphi programming ;Database ;Information management system.
(转载自中国科教评价网www.nseac.com )