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摘要:英语是任何个人和学校都无法回避的学科,中国人才网显示,英语人才的需求量居第2位。本文介绍了在线英语的开发背景及开发过程,重点说明了系统的设计思想、关键技术和解决方案。本设计采用当前Microsoft公司的SQL Server 2000数据库平台管理系统,利用Dreamweaver 8.0及ASP技术设计前台界面,使用VBScript和JavaScript编程实现该管理系统中Web页面的特定功能以及输入输出控制等辅助功能,同时使用B/S系统结构。
关键词: 在线英语考试系统;ASP;SQL Sever 2000;Dreamweaver 8.0
English Test System Online
Abstract:English is the most important subject to anyone or any school. A message shown on www.chinatalent.com.cn is that the requirement of English professional stand at the second place. This paper introduces the background of development for the problem and the process for development. It also explains the emphasis on system design, the design thought, the key technology and its solution. It adopts SQL Server 2000 powered by Microsoft Company. The system adopts Dreamweaver 8.0 and ASP Language technology which is open and share, use VBScript and JavaScript programmed to carry out some especial function in web pages, input and output control assistant function and so on, along with the B/S system fabric.
Keywords: English test system on line;ASP;SQL Sever 2000;Dreamweaver 8.0
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