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摘要:无纸化驾驶考试系统是使用前台开发工具Visual Basic 6.0和后台数据库工具Microsoft SQL Server 2000综合现代软件工程学的原理开发出来的。主要应用于像机动车驾驶员考试等各类采用客观性题型的考试。参加考试的学员使用自己注册的或者考试管理员分配的帐号登录考试系统,然后选择需要的题型进行考试。系统具有自动计时、自动生成试卷、自动判卷等功能。
本文详细介绍基于C/S(即Client/Server)的无纸化考试系统的需求分析、数据库设计及设置、系统的功能模块等的设计与实现进程。同时也对Visual Basic 6.0和Microsoft SQL Server 2000等开发工具的使用进行了介绍。
关键词:考试系统;C/S;SQL Server 2000;VB
The Invention and Realization of Non-paper System Based on C/S
Abstract: The non-paper driver examination system use Visual Basic 6.0 as the development tools and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as the background data-base, colligating the elements of software engineering. This system is applied in different kinds of objectivity test like motor vehicle driver stimulant examination. The students who join in the test use the accounts, which registered or distributed by manager, login the system, and then choose the corresponding subjects to go along the test. The system has the functions such as timing automatically, creating test paper automatically, and distinguishing paper automatically and so on.
This paper introduces the requirement analysis, data-base designing and setting, module designing like systemic module, achievement course of the no-paper test system, which is based on c/s(client and server.).At the same time, the paper also introduces the development tool such as Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft SQL Server2000 and so on.
Keywords: examination system; C/S; SQL Server 2000; VB (科教论文网 lw.nSeAc.com编辑发布)
目 录
前言 1
1 开发工具 2
1.2 SQL SERVER概述 4
1.2.2 系统设备和系统表 5
1.2.3系统存储过程 7
1.2.4 管理工具和实用程序 7
2 需求分析 9
2.1引言 9
2.2功能需求 9
2.3 数据需求 9
2.4 用户需求 10
2.5 性能需求 10
2.6系统运行环境需求 10
3 详细设计 11
3.1 系统总体框架设计 11
3.2 系统总体流程 12
3.3 数据库设计 12
3.3.1 系统ER图 12
3.3.2 系统的具体数据库表 13
4 系统实现 16
4.1设计概况 16
4.2 用户登录 16
4.3 系统管理 17
4.4 题目类别模块 21
4.5题目模块 23
4.6 参数设置模块 28
4.7考试模块 31
5 测试与维护 34
7 结束语 35
参考文献 36
致谢 37