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Online Supermarket System
Abstract :With the popularity of the broadband Internet and the sudden appearance of e-commerce in China with a new force, which increasingly infiltrates peoples daily life, online shopping is no longer a new thing and more and more people began to love shopping on the Internet, enjoying the facilities and benefits it brings. On-line supermarket is internet web site which is available for people shopping on. E-commerce is a socio-economic patterns conducted by using modern communications technology, computer and network technology, with the aim of achieving the maximum use of social wealth by reducing the social management costs, increase social productivity, optimizing the allocation of social resources .
The present online supermarket system is a platform for people to shop on. It is divided into two parts in the functional design part: the front ground system and back ground systems. The former system deals with the customers, whose main achievement is registration for the user, commodity browsing, goods purchasing, orders, paying bill and etc. Customers can access websites to browse the commodities without registration. Registered customers can acquire Member treatment. Non-membership can also give orders. Background system is used by the supermarket management members, whose main achievement is to maintain the website information, including commodity classification management, commodities maintenance, Member preservation, maintenance orders, check shipments, customer feedback management, management member maintaining. Managers can add or delete commodity items here or handle customer’s orders, manage Member information, and so on.
Keyword: Online Supermarket; Web Database; ASP technology .
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题意义 1
1.3 本文的组织结构 4
2 相关知识介绍 5
2.1 硬件平台 5
2.2 服务器平台 5
2.3 工具 5
2.4 构架 5
2.5 ASP概述 5
2.5.1 什么是ASP 5
2.5.2 ASP的优势 7 (科教作文网http://zw.NSEaC.com编辑发布)
2.5.3 ASP的内置对象 7
2.5.4 ASP的运行环境 10
3 系统分析及概要设计 11
3.1 可行性分析 11
3.1.1 资源 11
3.1.2 技术 11
3.2 系统需求分析 11
3.2.1 用户功能 11
3.2.2 管理员功能 11
3.3 系统设计思想 12
3.3.1 页面模块化 12
3.3.2 代码的复用 12
3.3.3 使用数据库连接池 12
3.4 系统功能模块设计 12
3.5 系统数据流图 14
4 数据库设计 16
4.1 数据库需求分析 16
4.2 数据库概念结构设计 17
4.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 20
5 系统详细设计 23
5.1 系统通用功能模块的编写 23
5.1.1 系统结构概览 23
5.1.2 数据库连接 25
5.1.3 应用程序公共文件 26
5.1.4 检测管理员是否登录 26
5.1.5 站点参数设置 27
5.1.6 其他公共模块 27
5.2管理端界面设计 27
5.2.1 管理端界面结构设计 27
5.2.2 界面头,尾设计 29
5.2.3 商品类别模块 29
5.2.4 商品维护模块 31
5.2.5 会员维护模块 33
5.2.6 订单维护模块 33
5.2.7查看发货模块 36
5.2.8常见问题(FAQ)管理模块 36
5.2.9管理员维护模块 36
5.2.10用户登录模块 36
5.3 客户端界面设计 37
5.3.1 客户端界面结构设计 37
5.3.2 界面头,尾设计 37
5.3.3 界面左侧快捷菜单设计 38
5.3.4 商品信息浏览模块 39
5.3.5 购物车管理模块设计 39
5.3.6 提交订单模块设计 40
5.3.7 常见问题模块 41
5.3.8 会员模块 42
6 总结与展望 43
参考文献 44
致谢 45