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培养计划制订辅助软件 (科教范文网http://fw.NSEAC.com编辑发布)
摘要:随着教育的发展和教学改革的深入,提高工作效率、实现培养计划制订工作的自动化成为高校培养计划制订工作的趋势和必然。为了达到这样的目标,我以辅助培养计划制订工作为出发点,Delphi 7.0为开发工具,SQL Server 2000作为数据库而设计了1个辅助软件。此软件不仅具有良好的用户界面,而且功能完善,能够方便、快捷地生成教学计划进程表,并提供与培养计划制订相关的1系列查询、统计和打印功能。培养计划制订辅助系统的应用大大提高了培养计划制订工作的效率、质量和培养计划制订水平,适合普通高等学校对培养计划工作进行微机管理。它节省了制订人员的工作量,也避免了人工添加、修改、统计数据时所造成的疏忽和1些错误,给高校的培养计划制订工作带来了方便。
关键词:教学计划进程表;SQL Server 2000;Delphi 7.0;统计。
Assistant Software of Making Training Plan
Abstract:Along with the development of education and progress of teaching plan, enhancing the work efficiency and realizing the automation of work of making training plan have become the tendency and necessary for the work of making training plan of colleges and universities. In order to achieve this purpose, I regard assist work of making training plan as starting point and Delphi 7.0 as tool of programming, and use the SQL Server 2000 to design a assistant software. The Software has not only fine user interface, but also perfect function. It is convenient and quick to create report forms of process of teaching plan; it also can offer series of functions interrelating with making training plan, such as query, statistics, and print and so on. The application of the assistant system of making training plan enhances the efficiency of work, the quality of work and the standard in the making of training plan, fits institutions of higher learning to manage training plan with computer. It has not only saved a lot of working measurement, but also avoids artificial additions, changes, statistics caused by and some errors. The system can bring convenience with the work of making training plan of colleges and universities.
There are four modules in the system, it can achieve the function of enquiries, modify, add and delete for practice courses information and professional courses information. The system can open the documents of process of teaching plan, It can provide the function of create report forms of process of teaching plan, printing and statistician. Users can choice operation from the main interface.
Keywords : forms of process of teaching plan;SQL Server2000;Delphi 7.0;statistician。
前言 1
1 Delphi 7概述 2
1.1 Delphi 7的简介 2
1.2 Delphi 7的发展过程 2
1.3 Delphi 7的新特点 2
1.4 Delphi 7编程环境的组成 3
2 SQL Server 2000概述 4
2.1 SQL Server的简介 4
2.2 SQL Server的发展 4
2.3 SQL Server 2000主要功能和特性 4
3 系统功能与模块介绍 6
3.1 主要功能介绍 6
3.2 主要模块介绍 6
4 需求分析 8
4.1 开发背景 8
4.2 用户要求 8
4.3 数据字典 8
4.4 系统结构 10
4.5 可行性分析 10
5 概要设计 11
5.1 设计目标 11
5.2 开发及运行环境 11
5.3 输入设计 11
5.4 输出设计 11
5.5 系统安全和可靠性设计 12
6 数据库设计 13
6.1 数据库概念结构设计 13
6.2 数据库物理结构设计 13
7 主窗体,系统登陆设计 18
7.1 功能介绍 18
7.2 登录窗体设计 18
7.3 主窗体设计 20
8 教学计划进程总表模块 22
8.1 功能介绍 22
8.2 模块实现 22
9 教学计划进程模块 24
9.1 功能介绍 24
9.2 模块设计 24
9.3 子模块1到4的设计 24
9.4 打开教学计划进程报表子模块设计 26
9.5 查询教学计划进程子模块设计 28
9.6 教学计划进程子模块设计 31
10 集中实践环节设置模块 35
10.1 功能介绍 35 (科教作文网http://zw.nseAc.com)
10.2 模块设计 35
10.3 集中实践表Word文档子模块设计 35
10.4 查询实践信息子模块设计 36
10.5 集中实践报表子模块设计 38
10.6 集中实践环节设置管理子模块设计 40
11 专业辅修课程模块 42
11.1 功能介绍 42
11.2 打开专业辅修课程Word文档子模块设计 42
11.3 查询辅修课信息子模块设计 42
11.4 专业辅修课程管理子模块设计 45
12 结束语 46
参考文献 47
致谢 48