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2016-06-18 01:01


摘要:Java成功之后,SUN公司于1997年迅速推出了适用于开发3维图形的跨平台3维图形开发工具包Java 3D。Java 3D是1种功能强大的、面向对象的API,它可广泛应用于教育、机械设计、地理信息、3维动画和3维游戏等领域。我们利用Java 3D设计了1个赛车小游戏,主要工作流程如下:
(1) 场景初始化(背景,灯光等);
(2) 生成4面蓝绿相间的面,为其初始化;
(3) 利用Shared Group和Link对其复制引用以生成地面;
(4) 编写2维树面,将其放置在地面两侧;
(5) 用Group组合基本图形,生成规则的复杂图形,并将其加入到场景中;
(6) 用3DS MAX 8建立汽车模型,并编写Load函数,将其导入到场景中;
(7) 用LatheCurve方法建立比较复杂的3维图形并初试化;
(8) 对LatheShape及其它图形加入Interpolator以及其他对象,如:声音等;
(9) 加入键盘响应类及碰撞检测等;
(10) 对程序进行测试和优化。

关键词:Java 3D;3维建模;碰撞检测;交互控制。
Game Design Based on Virtual Reality Technology

Abstract:After the success of Java, Sun launched Java 3D in 1997 for the three-dimensional graphics. Java 3D is a powerful object-oriented API, which can be universally applied to many fields, Such as education, mechanism design, geographic information, three-dimensional animation and three-dimensional game. We use Java 3D design a small car racing game. The main procession of our design is listed as below:
(1) The initialization of scene (background, lighting);
(2) Build four planes which alternate with blue and green color;
(3) Use the method of Shared Group and Link to build the ground with the planes; (科教论文网 Lw.nsEAc.com编辑整理)
(4) Build the two-dimensional tree;
(5) Assemble the graphics primitive with Group to make up of complex graphics and added them to the scene;
(6) Create the model of the car in the 3DS MAX 8 and programmed the Load function for it;
(7) Create the complex three-dimensional graphics with the technique of LatheCurve;
(8) Add the object such as Interpolator, Sound to the LatheShape and other graphics;
(9) Add KeyNavigatorBehavior and collision detection to the scene;
(10) Test and optimize the program.
The thesis elaborated the principle, procedure and realization of this game.

Keywords: Java 3D; Modeling of three dimension; Collision detection; Interaction control.

前言 4
1 3D技术介绍 5
1.1 3D技术现状和前景 5
1.2 Java 3D简介 5
1.3 Java 3D的场景图结构 6
1.4 3DS MAX介绍 8
2 概要设计 10
2.1 多媒体编程 10
2.2 建模 10
2.3 3DS MAX建模 11
2.4 LatheShape3D 11
2.5 动画编程 11
2.6 交互式编程 11
3 详细设计 12
3.1 总体设计 12
3.2 场景初始化 13
3.2.1 路面制作 13
3.2.2 场景修饰 15
3.3 障碍物制作 16
3.4 汽车制作 21
3.5 形体运动实现 24
3.5.1 电脑桌的运动 24
3.5.2 LatheShape3D的运动 25
3.5.3 形体交替变化的局部坐标 26
3.6 最后的胜利效果 26
3.7 交互控制与碰撞检测的实现 27
3.8 雾化效果 30
4 结束语 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34


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