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摘要: 人事劳资信息系统是典型的信息管理系统(MIS),从现代企业管理中的人事管理现状出发,针对人事管理的复杂程序,过详细的系统调查,开发出的操作简单而且方便实用的1个人事管理系。
本系统是在Windows98/XP/2000的环境下,用Borland Delphi7.0开发的信息管理系统。该系统采用模块化设计,根据人事信息管理系统的实际情况,研究开发的1套管理系统。人事管理针对我国目前人事管理现状以及未来的发展趋势将人事管理思想融入其中,充分体现了现代人事管理新思想。主要功能是完成了对大量人事信息的系统化管理。包括新档案的存入,对工资、考勤、奖惩、存档数据的更新、删除、修改、综合查询。通过计算机使人事档案管理步入了自动化,科学化管理的行列。避免了以往手工操作等繁杂的劳动,即节省了人力,又方便快捷,还大大提高数据的准确性。
关键词 人事信息; 数据库 ; Delphi
The personnel affairs labor information system based on C/S pattern
Abstract Personnel labor and management information system is personal management present condition that typical information management system( MIS) that complicated procedure, set out from the modern business enterprise manages, aim at the personal management, investigate through detailed system, the operation that develop is simple and practical a personal management department in convenience.
This system is a information management system developed by Delphi 7.0 under Windows 98/XP/2000.It uses the modularization design. Its main functions are systematic management of personnel’s archives informations and include the register of new personnel’s archives, updating, deleting, searching, inquiry of data and help, etc. It makes personnel’s archives management that steps into the automatic and scientific queue by computer. It avoids the involved work ,saves to manpower and raises the data’s accuracy. There are many main modules charts other than introduced the personnel’s archives function modules by detailed in this system. This is useful to understand and use these functions by inserted the charts. (转载自http://zw.NSEAC.com科教作文网)
Keywords personnel information ; database ; Delphi