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2016-08-06 01:01

摘要 随着互联网和宽带上网的普及,人们对于互联网技术的要求已不单单是浏览1下网页,收发电子邮件,日益忙碌的人们开始追求足不出户的利用互联网这1强大的平台来实现的网上购物。对于企业来讲,无论是企业之间(B to B),还是企业和客户之间(B to C)的交易,如果能够实现网上交易将大大提高交易速度节约交易成本。近几年,随着网络数据库技术的进1步发展,使得这1设想逐渐成为现实。
The Design of Shopping WebSite Based on ASP
Abstract Medical use wireless call-out system whether one adopt wireless compiled code transmission means, people are for the request of technique Internet the already and not only single is a view once web page, receive and dispatch the E-mail, increasingly busy people start pursuing the exploitation Internet that keep the house this a the mighty platform come the net that realizes on the shopping.Speak for the business enterprise, and wether is the business enterprises( B to B), or business enterprise with the customers bargain for( B to C), if can realize the net up trade and will consumedly increase the bargain speed the economy to trade the cost.In the last few years, along with the techniques further development of network database, make this on conceiving to gradually become the actuality.    (科教范文网http://fw.nseac.com)
This design goal is to achieve a B/S architecture electronic shopping website, the task of integrating the entire process of design topics, web development technology and understanding of the basic knowledge database, and related development tools and application software, familiar with the site construction process, have a mastery of the network database programming methods.
This article through analyzes on the domestic and foreign nets the shopping system development present situation, proposed one kind operates on the hairnet using the asp technology the shopping system plan, by the time achieved function formidable, the expense is inexpensive, versatile, suits our country national condition the shopping website system. In the article elaborated on emphatically this system function and the realization, the data flow and the memory, the net the shopping, the backstage management and so on. And has made the detailed introduction to the key related technology.
Key word:Internet shopping;ASP;Database;Car shopping。
目  录
前言 1
1 概述 2
1.1课题研究的背景及意义 2
1.2 本次设计()的主要工作 4
2 ASP与数据库的介绍 5
2.1 ASP技术的概述 5
2.1.1 ASP技术基本概念的描述 5
2.1.2 ASP对象的描述 6
2.1.3 ASP服务器组件描述 8
2.1.4 ASP与其它动态页面技术如PHP、JSP的比较 9
2.2 数据库技术分析与设计概述 10
2.3 数据库安全 11
2.3.1 数据库安全概述 11
2.3.2 数据库安全策略和评估 11
2.4 数据库设计 12
2.4.1 数据库规划 12
2.4.2 数据库表设计 13
2.4.3 使用ADO组件访问数据库 15
3 购物网站系统分析 16
3.1 网站的可行性分析 16
3.2 系统的技术综述 16
3.2.1 Browser/Server结构 16
3.2.2 技术构架 17
3.3 需求分析 17
3.3.1 设计目标分析 17
3.3.2 用户需求特点分析 18 (科教作文网http://zw.NSEaC.com编辑发布)
3.3.3 系统功能的需求 18
3.3.4 运行环境的需求 19
3.4 详细设计 19
3.4.1 系统流程分析 19
3.4.2 系统功能模块的设计与实现 23
4 系统安全方面的考虑 36
4.1 网络节点的安全 36
4.2 应用程序的安全 36
4.3 安全管理 37
5 系统测试和完善 38
6 结束语 39
参考文献 40
致谢 41
附录 42
随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在各行各业中迅速普及,利用计算机方便人们的生活,也成为越来越多人的共识。对于企业来说,将商店开到互联网上,对于企业来说,不仅能够高效完成商店进货,提供友好界面供顾客选择商品,完成商品的配送。相较于传统的商品流通模式而言,使用该系统,顾客无需出门,只需上互联网浏览,选购所需的商品,销售商物流配送中心根据顾客的地址,选择最近的配送站将商品送到顾客手中,所以,开发这样1个系统,不仅对于普通顾客,而且对于销售商都有利。在下面的各章节中,将以开发网上购物商城系统为例,介绍其开发过程和所涉及的问题及解决方法。 (转载自http://zw.NSEaC.com科教作文网)

    上一篇:基于BS模式的数码产品购物网站设计与实现ASP+S 下一篇:没有了