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2016-08-22 01:16

摘要: 在Internet飞速发展的今天,互联网成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,它在人们政治、经济、生活等各个方面发挥着重要的作用。首先介绍了建立学校网站的意义,接着阐述了Internet的相关知识及设计1个网站的步骤 ,然后阐述了本网站的整体规划与设计情况,并对制作网页所用到的相关软件的特点与应用作了概括说明,其中主要包括用Dreamweaver MX制作页面,用SQL sever 2000制作后台数据库,用asp实现互动功能,用Photoshop6.0加工处理图像等,并讲述了它们的使用要点及其方法。

关键词: ASP;Dreamweaver;SQL

Organizing dynamic web sites based on ASP 

Abstract: The rapid development of Internet of today, it becomes an important channel by which people can acquire, release and transmit information. It plays an important role in politics, economy, and daily life and so on. First, this paper introduces the significant to establish this Website. Second, it discusses briefly the relevant knowledge about the Internet and the steps of establishing a Website, gives the plan and design in detail, especially the software related to the web-page designing is explained. It includes making Home Page by application of Dreamweaver Mx, making database by SQL sever 2000, making active pages by ASP, processing images by Photoshop6.0, etc. Besides, it discusses their important points and pret ray how to use them. This paper includes the content that the author wants to express.

(科教作文网 zw.nseac.com整理)

The system is made up of four functional modules: news release, message board, article searching and back-stage management. This process includes the sites topic, design, pages design and program run in background, and the processes to building a website and some points that the author should pay attention in course of making websites.  The system consists of one main interface. The other functions present in the main interface as menus, it provide a more effective and comprehensive service.
Keywords : ASP; dreamweaver; SQL


    上一篇:基于B/S的网上购物系统ASP+SQL 下一篇:没有了