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2016-08-26 01:04

前言 3
1 电子政务简介 4
1.1 电子政务的1般架构、方案 4
1.2 电子政务的安全现状 6
2 Web Services简介 8
2.1 Web Services的发展概况 8
2.2 Web Services的协议简介 10
2.3 SOAP访问原理简介 12
2.4 AXIS平台简介 12
3 Microsoft SQL Server2000简介和安全配置 14
3.1 Microsoft SQL Server简介 14
3.2 Microsoft SQL Server2000安全配置 14
4 开发平台介绍与搭建 17
4.1 J2EE平台技术介绍 17
4.2 JSP技术介绍 21
5 任务目标 23
6 需求分析 24
6.1系统的用户需求 24
6.2系统功能需求 24
6.3系统的数据需求 25
6.4系统平台的需求 25
6.5系统的性能分析 27
7 概要设计 28
7.1功能概要设计 28
7.2数据字典 29
7.3 系统结构设计 32
7.4 系统主要流程图 32
8 详细设计 34
8.1 功能模块细化 34
8.2 主要功能模块设计 34
8.3 表的设计与部署 41
9 系统编码 42
9.1 平台的搭建 42
9.2 公文传输系统服务端算法 43
9.3 公文传输系统客户端算法 43
10 测试与分析 45
10.1 难点及解决办法 45
10.2 测试运行 45
10.3 系统特点 47
结论 48
致谢 50


本系统是基于SOAP技术的Web公文传输系统,它采用B/S的构架,使用户通过浏览器访问服务,简单便捷。整个服务使用Java语言开发,使其具有很好的跨平台性和可移植性。后台数据库使用MS SQL Server,服务器则使用Tomcat5.5 ,服务的发布则通过AXIS开发包,具有良好的稳定性和性能。该系统实现了政府机关各部门之间公文的电子化,使其传输摆脱了传统的纸张形式,使各部门之间的公文传输更加方便快捷。从而使整个政府机关的办公效率得到明显地提高。



关键词:Web 服务、SOAP协议、XML、AXIS 、公文传输、电子政务
The design and implement of a Web business documents and e-government based on SOAP

Abstract: For adapting the request of the modern official operation, improving the efficiency of official document’s transfers,  It is very important to develop a system of official document’s transfers to replace the normal official document’s transfers.
This system is a Web official document’s transfers system basing on the SOAP, adopting the B/S frame. Clients can visit it through the browsers, in conveniently. The server is developed by Java, make it platform irrespective and replantable. The database is by MS SQL Server, the server is by Tomcat5.5. The release of service is through the AXIS Developers Kit, having a good stability and the usability. That system carried out of each section of government official document of electronical, made it deliver to get away from a traditional paper form, make the official document of each section deliver more convenient and fast. .Make the whole government agency transact an efficiency to get to raise clearly thus.
The thesis introduce the topic of the knowledge and technique firstly, then at according to carry on analytical foundation to the customer need up introduced system a total design project, distinguish to carry on introduction from the structure, function, data...etc of the system. Combined to the detailed design process and calculate way of the system, the end is after carrying on circulate and testing to the system, to carried on summary as a result.

Key words: Web Services、SOAP、XML、AXIS 、business documents transfer、e-government


 改革开放以来,我国的经济得到了飞速的发展,政府机关日常的办公事务也越来越繁多。其中,公文档案的传输也越来越频繁,1份文件有时候要印刷几10份,甚至上百份。大量文件的转发、传阅、发送、签收、审核让办公室里文件堆积如山,杂乱如麻,让办公室的工作效率及其低下,对办公室应发挥的重要职能也有影响。因此,急需开发1个电子公文传输系统使办公摆脱以往传统的纸张印刷带来的繁琐和低效,使办公变得方便快捷。本课题主要针对现代办公的需求,运用基于SOAP的Web Services技术开发1个电子公文传输系统。本文就该系统的技术知识基础及开发过程给予了说明。

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