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2015-04-22 01:14
导读:[⑨] PSA ,1900,Vol.2,1991,p. 3. [⑩] PSA, 1900,Vol.2, p. 7. [11] Ibid,p. 12. Thomos S. Kuhn and his Transition of the Conception of Science SASAKI Chikara (University of Tokyo, Department

[⑨] PSA ,1900,Vol.2,1991,p. 3.

[⑩] PSA, 1900,Vol.2, p. 7.

[11] Ibid,p. 12.

Thomos S. Kuhn and his Transition of the Conception of Science
SASAKI Chikara

(University of Tokyo, Department of Multidisciplinary Sciences, Japan, Tokyo, 153-8902)

牐燗bstract:On the occasion of fifth anniversary of T.S.Kuhn pass away, by recall past events of wright contect with Kuhn, this text try to reviw the spiritual wealth he left us. The visual field have been changed radically by Kuhn’s theory of paradigma, in regard to what is going on in the view of science , I have reason to say, this revolution started by Kuhn is cotinued.

牐燵Key Words] Paradigm; Inner-and-outer-history; Incommensurable

上一篇:技术是一个过程(1) 下一篇:没有了