2015-10-28 01:18
导读:哲学论文论文,生态创新之维:深层生态学思想研究述评(1)在线阅读,教你怎么写,格式什么样,科教论文网提供各种参考范例:摘 要:深层生态学之所以是“深层”的,就在于它把全球生物圈的一切存在物
摘 要:深层生态学之所以是“深层”的,就在于它把全球生物圈的一切存在物看成是有着内在的深层关联并具有自身的存在价值。其理论旨趣在于深度反思并追问现代工业社会在人与自然关系上的种种失误及其背后的深层根源,真实目的在于寻求人类社会生活的真正价值以及现代生态型生活方式的合理构建,最终目标是包括人类共同体与大地共同体在内的生态自我实现。它的出现是人类现代环境运动,特别是生态意识形态由浅层向深层转换的时代标志。我国学者既关注对其理论具有的可能缺陷开展必要的学术批判,又注重其合理理论内核及对中国生态文明建设的启示价值。 关键词:深层生态学;生态创新;生态自我实现;生态中心主义平等 Abstract: Deep ecology, as the term suggests, holds that all things in the global biosphere have intrinsically deep association with each other as well as their respective values.The research of deep ecology reflects and explores ﹑roblems and the root causes in the relationship between human being and nature in the modern ﹊ndustrial society. The purpose is to seek for the true value of human's social life and to realize the ヽonstruction of modern ecological life style and the ultimate goal is ecological self瞨ealization including the ﹉uman community and the natural ヽommunity of the earth. The research of deep ecology is a sign of the times which means the development of modern environment movement, especially the ecological ideology, has ゛rrived at a new stage. Chinese scholars are making academic criticism on the possible defects of the theory, and in the meantime, attaching importance to the theoretical core and the inspiring significance to China's 〆co瞔ivilization construction. Making a review of the research is of great academic value and practical ﹕ignificance. Key words: deep ecology; ecological innovation; ecological self瞨ealization; ecocentric equalitarianism
深层生态学(Deep Ecology)是20世纪70年代伴随环境运动和对生态危机反思而在西方兴起的。由挪威哲学家阿伦