2017-09-12 01:36
导读:[21] .Zhao Dexing, Zhonghua renmin gongheguo jingjishi: 1967-1984(Zhengzhou: Henan renmin chubanshe,1989), pp.60-62. 赵德韾《中华人民共和国史:1967-1984》,郑州:河南
[21] .Zhao Dexing, Zhonghua renmin gongheguo jingjishi: 1967-1984(Zhengzhou: Henan renmin chubanshe,1989), pp.60-62. 赵德韾《中华人民共和国史:1967-1984》,郑州:河南人民出版社,1989年,页六十至六十二页。
[22] .Thomas P. Lyons, Economic Integration and Planning in Maoist China (New York: Columbia University Press,1987), pp.213-218.
[23] .Lardy, Economic Growth and Distribution in China.
[24] .Riskin, China`s Political Economy, pp.213-218.
[25] .财政部综合司,《中华人民共和国财政史料》,第一辑,北京:财政经济出版社,1982年,页十四至十九。
[26] .关于“国家内卷化”这个概念,见Prasenjit Duara,“State Involution: A Study of Local Finances in North China,1911-1935”, Comparative Study of Society and History, (1987), pp.132-161.
[27] .Li Xianglu, “Weishemo shuo fenquan rangli gaige shi zhengque de,”Zhishi fenzi, (Fall 1990). 李湘鲁,“为什么说分权让利改革方针是正确的”,《知识分子》,1990年秋季号。
[28] .Zuo Chuntai and Song Xinzhong, Zhongguo shehui zhuyi caizheng jianshi, p.453. 左春台、宋新中主编《中国主义财政简史》,页四五三。
[29]. 同上,页四三一至四五二。
[30] .David Granick, Chinese State Enterprises: A Regional Property Rights Analysis (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990).
[31] .Susan L. Shirk, “Playing to the Provinces:Deng Xiaoping`s Political Strategy of Economic Reform.”Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the APSA 1990.
[32] .事实上,1980年的权力下放本来是以由中央上收数千家大中型国营为条件的。但是由于地方的反对,这个条件从未落实。还应注意到,邓小平在他第二次被整肃前(1976年),曾决定重新集中财权。见Allen S. Whiting,“Domestic Politics and Foreign Trade in the PRC,1971-1976,”(Ann Arbor: Michigan papers in Chinese Studies,no.39, 1979).
[33] . Michel Oksenber and James Tong, “The Evolution of Central- Provincial Fiscal Relations in China, 1953-1983: The Formal System,”unpublished paper, February 1987; Shirk, “Playing to the Provinces.”
[34] . World Bank, China: Revenue Mobilization and Tax Policy, p.80
[35] .同上,p.76-80.