2014-02-09 01:40
导读:公共管理论文毕业论文,论图书馆员的职业道德和业务素质建设(1)样式参考,免费教你怎么写,格式要求,科教论文网提供大量范文样本:摘 要:图书馆员的职业道德和业务素质直接影响到图书馆的形象,关系到图书
摘 要:图书馆员的职业道德和业务素质直接影响到图书馆的形象,关系到图书馆的发展。文章就建设图书馆员的职业道德的意义和提升馆员业务素质的必要性、图书馆员应具备的职业道德和业务素质以及建设途径和提升策略等问题进行了论述。
关键词: 图书馆员 职业道德 业务素质 建设 Abstract: Librarian’s professional ethics and quality are held responsible for the image of a library, and affect the library’s development. This paper discusses the significance of librarian’s professional ethics construction and the necessity of librarian’s professional quality improvement. In view of the actual situation, it also advances some advices as how to strengthen the construction. Key words: librarian; professional ethics